Coffee producing region highlight: Nariño, Colombia

Experience the rich history, exquisite flavours, and unique terroir of Colombian coffee from the renowned Nariño region. Nestled in the southern part of Colombia, the Nariño region is known for producing some of the finest coffee in the world. Join us on a journey to discover the fascinating origins, exceptional farming practices, and captivating flavours that make Nariño coffee truly exceptional.

History of Nariño Coffee

The tradition of coffee cultivation in Nariño dates back centuries. The indigenous communities were the first to cultivate coffee in this region, cherishing the fertile volcanic soil and optimal altitude. Over time, coffee production in Nariño grew, and its beans gained recognition for their exceptional quality and unique flavour profiles. Today, Nariño is considered one of the premier coffee regions in Colombia, loved by coffee enthusiasts around the globe.

The history of the indigenous communities in the Nariño region of Colombia is deeply intertwined with the cultivation of coffee. These communities have played a significant role in shaping the region's coffee industry and preserving their cultural heritage for generations.

The indigenous people of Nariño, such as the Quillacingas, Pastos, and Awa, have a rich history that predates the arrival of Europeans. They were skilled farmers and had a deep understanding of the land and its resources. The fertile volcanic soil and favorable altitude of the region provided the perfect conditions for growing coffee, which the indigenous communities recognized and utilized.

Centuries ago, the indigenous people began cultivating coffee plants in small-scale, traditional farming systems. They carefully nurtured the coffee trees, embracing sustainable practices and relying on their extensive knowledge of the land to ensure optimal cultivation. The coffee they produced was consumed within their communities and served as a vital source of sustenance and trade.

With the arrival of Spanish colonizers in the 16th century, the dynamics of coffee cultivation in the region began to change. The Spanish recognized the potential of Nariño's coffee and introduced larger-scale cultivation methods, establishing coffee plantations and commercializing its production. However, they often exploited the indigenous labour force, disrupting the traditional farming practices that had been in place for centuries.

Despite the challenges faced during the colonial period, the indigenous communities in Nariño managed to preserve their cultural identity and agricultural knowledge. Over time, they adapted to the changing dynamics and began reclaiming their land and farming practices. Through resilience and determination, they regained control over their coffee production, establishing cooperatives and associations that allowed them to directly participate in the coffee trade and gain fair compensation for their work.

Today, the indigenous communities of Nariño continue to contribute significantly to the region's coffee industry. They play an active role in preserving the traditional farming methods, passing down their knowledge from one generation to the next. Their dedication to sustainable practices ensures that the coffee produced in Nariño remains of the highest quality while maintaining the region's unique flavours and characteristics.

By supporting the indigenous coffee growers of Nariño, we not only savour the exceptional flavours of their coffee but also contribute to the preservation of their cultural heritage and the empowerment of their communities. It is a testament to the resilience and ingenuity of the indigenous people who have shaped the history and legacy of coffee in the Nariño region.

Terroir and Climate

The terroir of Nariño is truly special. Situated in the Andes mountain range, at altitudes ranging from 1,800 to 2,300 meters above sea level, the region enjoys ideal conditions for coffee cultivation. The high elevation, combined with volcanic soil enriched with minerals, imparts unique flavours to the coffee beans. The temperature variations between day and night create optimal conditions for the development of complex aromas and flavours, resulting in a cup of coffee that is rich, vibrant, and full-bodied.

Farming Practices

The farmers of Nariño take great pride in their coffee cultivation practices, employing both traditional wisdom and innovative techniques to ensure the highest quality beans. Many coffee farms in Nariño are family-owned and operated, with generations passing down their expertise from one to another. The cultivation process involves meticulous attention to detail, from hand-picking only the ripest cherries to carefully processing them to preserve the flavours. By adhering to sustainable farming practices, the coffee growers in Nariño prioritize environmental conservation, ensuring the longevity of their coffee production while preserving the region's natural beauty.

Captivating Flavours

Nariño coffee delights the senses with its captivating flavours. Each cup reveals a harmonious balance of sweetness, acidity, and body. You'll discover notes of dark chocolate, caramel, and tropical fruits. The distinctive flavour profile of Nariño coffee sets it apart, making it a favorite choice for those seeking a truly exceptional coffee experience.

At Orange Brown, we are proud to offer you the finest Colombian coffee from the Nariño region. Our commitment to quality, sustainability, and ethical sourcing ensures that every batch you roast is a true testament to the excellence of Nariño coffee. 

Savour the Richness of Nariño Coffee

Indulge in the captivating aromas, complex flavours, and velvety texture of Nariño coffee. From its historical roots to its volcanic soil, the Nariño region in Colombia is a treasure trove of exceptional coffee. Start roasting these one-of-a-kind coffees and experience the true essence of Colombian coffee craftsmanship.

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